Piql Plug-in Flyers
Piql is a trusted provider of end-to-end solutions for digitisation, restoration and safe- guarding moving images for the future. As a specialist provider of film digitisation ser- vices, Piql can offer a complete solution ensuring high quality capture with relevant metadata and guaranteed accessibility.
More than a century of cinematographic heritage is stored on analogue film. There is a risk that this heritage may become inaccessible in the future if it re- mains in analogue form. The film foundation, a US-based non-profit founded by Martin Scorsese, has assessed that more than half of all the films created before the 1950s are impossible to interpret and therefore lost. Key issue in preserving film is controlling the form of decay known as “vineagar syndrome”. More properly referred to as acetate film base degradation, a very similar state to nitrate film base deterioration. Both emulsion and film carrier are subject to degradation and are affected by different types of problems (torn or missing perforations, scratches, warping or shrinkage). Classic films continue to be treasured by communities and festivals all over the world, via television, streaming services, BluRay and DVD.
• Greater access to film heritage
• Ensuring film quality is maintained while being acces- sible for future generations • Opportunities to monetise assets on new digital platforms
• Ability to store content in multiple digital formats
• A new digital master ready for exhibition on digital cinema screens or any other platforms
We digitised a range of award winning films for a highly recognised European film festival. We provided professional scanning, trained local staff and ensured rapid and high quality metadata extraction and generation. Our service allowed our client to re-use and re-purpose their content, extracting greater value from their archive.
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