Piql Book of References

Ambev Case Study

Accessibility was also challenging and time consum ing, first needing to find the file before accessing it, especially when the files were stored offsite. Digitising and transforming a paper archive can of fer many benefits to an organisation. Information is incredibly valuable, and digitisation can offer great monetisation opportunities (such as trend analysis), increased access and searchability, while ensuring the information is never lost. SOLUTION Ambev chose Piql to deliver trusted archival services. We are now working to transform Ambev’s paper ar chive into directly to Piql’s Eternal Cloud using a con trolled digital transformation workflow. Piql’s Eternal Cloud provides the access benefits of cloud services with the longevity and security of piql Film. This combination means that the data will sur vive for decades (and longer), with the added benefit of instant online access.

For this project we have partnered with Bagergs (Banrisul Armazens Gerais) a company specialised in warehouse management. Ambev is transferring over 100,000 boxes of paper files from locations all over Brazil to our Eternal Cloud warehouse. Once doc uments arrive at the warehouse the boxes are cata logued and we start the process of digitisation using high speed scanners, transforming over one million pages per day.

Documents are then transferred directly to Piql’s Eter nal Cloud for access and preservation.

Piql’s solution presents a cost saving for Ambev, creat ing value from previously hard to access information, while meeting the needs of a modern industry leader.


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