piql_When quality matters
Piql and OAIS - reference model
DATA MANAGEMENT The data management entity maintains the database that contains the repository’s information. It executes query requests and generates results. The Piql database is the core of the operational busi- ness. It updates and manages the metadata and the in- formation packages (AIPs). It also keeps track of all reels, jobs and files, provide reports, billing and operational dashboards. The Piql database integrates with the Ware- house Management System. The database is backed up regularly, but in worst case scenario, it can be reconstructed from the piqlFilm. This is done by reading the table of content written at the beginning of every piqlFilm, and then recreating the da- tabase. ACCESS Piql provides a user-friendly client interface where the data owner can search their files by metadata and then restore the digital information.
On request, Piql provides AIP intergration to the data owners’ document management systems. ADMINISTRATION An administration entity manages the daily operations of the archive. It attains submission agreements, defines which standards to accept and what rights the reposito- ry has, develops policies and standards. It handles cus- tomer service and relationship with data owners.
The administration entity as defined in the OAIS model would be the local Piql service provider.
PRESERVATION METADATA Metadata is information about information, and is the core of any information retrieval system. It should be written in a standard, well-known language, such as XML. The choice of metadata scheme greatly affects the digital repository’s long-term ability to maintain and preserve its digital assets.
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