White paper - Alternative Storage Technologies
Alternative Storage Technologies Whitepaper
the storage medium. By being self-contained with a documented lifetime of 500 years, valuable data can be preserved for the unforeseeable future. The technology is also migration-free, both in terms of storage medium, reading device and file formats (provided that archival formats are used). The latter is due to the fact that file format specifications can be written in readable text on the storage medium. For digital and visual formats: Piql’s technology differs from traditional microfilm in enabling digital data to be stored alongside visual images, making it suitable for the digital era we have entered.Theflexibilityincombiningdigitalandvisual formatsopensupfornewpossibilitiesandadditional security, such as visual previews of digital files. Search and access files: Piql’s technology allows for metadata searches and accessibility on a different level than traditional microfilm. As a seamless element within a standard IT infrastructure, users can search for the requested file and get it back in original format within minutes
(retrieval time will vary according to each client’s preferences). Migration-free long-term preservation: Piql’s preservation technology is not recommended for data that needs to be instantly accessible to ensure business continuity. It is rather a secure, migrationfree and future-proof option for valuable data that needs to be preserved long-term.
Piql’s film and box are tested to ensure the preserved data will be kept intact for hundreds of years.
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