Welcome 2021
We wish you all a good health and happy new year! ear PiqlPartners and friends
Bendik Bryde and Patricia Alfheim representing Piql at the Github Universe in San Fransisco.
2020 has been a challenging year, for Piql included, but despite this, we remain optimistic for 2021.
We set out on a positive note in 2020 with ambitions of growth in revenue and with a positive bottom line, but then came COVID19! On March 13th I came back from Bangkok after having con- ducted a launch of the piqlReader at the Norwegian Embassy and discovered that Norway was in a full lock-down. We had to send everyone home with some staff in temporarily reduced positions. The whole world went into a serious lock-down and all our Piql Partners were unable to conduct any relevant activi- ties with potential clients. All business stopped. Now 10 months later, we are again almost in the same situation, Norway is in a partial lock-down until January 18th, and infection numbers are skyrocketing as ever before. In early March we had a major deal with an Italian client in our hands, a total contract value of EUR 2,4 million arranged with financing from the Norwegian Eksportkreditt secured with a bank guaran- tee from an Italian bank. Only formalities with the Loan Agreement between Eksportkreditt and the client remained, but unfortunately, the effect of the Pandemic in Italy has been severe and (almost without exception) the credit rating of all Italian banks was downgraded. Suddenly, the bank guaran- tee was no longer acceptable for Eksportkreditt - deal lost! Two of our Piql Partners have been ill from covid-19, and many of their families and friends as well as many of our collaborators have also been ill, but fortunately are well again. At the moment, we are seeing a global shift (for both the public and private sector) where budgets are being shifted from long-term storage, archiving and preservation onto more pressing matters. We foresee challenging times ahead for all of us, but we are taking measures to face these challeng- es with proactivity and innovation. This is a tough climate to do business in, but we persist, along with our global network of Piql Part- ners, and continue to do our very best. There is optimism among us as we enter the new year; Life and business needs to move on in these demanding times, and the world will recover!
• We have delivered our biggest preservation job as well as the largest deposit in the Arctic World Archive (AWA) with the GitHub archival program. A major reference for us, GitHub has given us massive media attention (over 600 media articles from all corners of the world), which already has led to several new projects. We expect more business to come with GitHub, and they have recently expressed interest for our Virtual Machine projects. • As a result of the GitHub publicity, we attracted attention from renowned institutions in the US, including the University of Illinois where we are delivering a digital preservation pilot for student theses and environmental climate data. In addition, Yale University , who is also involved in a global Ini- tiative preserving valuable software, is preserving a sample of its Emulation as a Service data for eterni- ty on piqlFilm as first step of collaboration with the organisation.
• We
successfully final commissioning and delivery of the Norwegian Health Archive project . This has been a major development effort from our R&D team that has given us valuable knowledge and insights into the domain of health record preservation. Further, we have secured a 10-year support contract and already can see that further developments will be required. completed the
A happy bunch at the opening of the new Health Archive at Tynset.
• We have shipped our new and award-winning piql- Reader to eight partners around the globe for demonstrations and piloting activities. Two more will be shipped early this year. These activities are performed as part of our Piql-GO Horizon 2020 project.
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