A Risk Assessment of Piql Services by FFI

B.5 Natural Disaster: Earthquake

Scenario number 5


Scenario justification

Justification : Earthquakes are a global phenomenon and they occur at regular intervals around the world. Though we can determine the regions most prone to earthquakes with a level of certainty, it is unlikely that no piqlVault will be placed in such a region. Construction techniques have come a long way in mitigating the effects of seismic tremors, yet the size and corresponding force of many earthquakes still inflict much damage even on buildings which are built using these techniques. The earthquake which caused the devastating tsunami on 26 th December 2004 measured 9.1 on the Richter scale. Analysing the effects an earthquake would have on the piqlVault and the potential damage it can do to the piqlFilms is therefore necessary. Purpose : None of the components of the Piql Preservation Services – the Film, the Box, the Bin and the Vault – are designed to withstand the level of physical pressure from overhead weight they are put under when pieces of concrete falls on top of them due to the tremors affecting the building they are placed in. In fact, little testing has been done to this effect. Though plastic is a strong material, it will be crushed under these circumstances. Benefits : This scenario highlights the need to do further testing on the piqlFilm, -Box and -Bin regarding the kind of physical pressure it can withstand when subjected to external impacts. This scenario is set in the geographical zone North (North America). An earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale hits the region in July during an extreme heat wave with temperatures often reaching above 40° Celsius. The earthquake causes the building which holds the piqlVault to shake violently, greatly damaging the building. Although the building remains standing, pieces of concrete break free from the construction and falls on top of the piqlVault system containing the piqlFilms and -Boxes, which cannot withstand that kind of pressure. Additionally, the remaining piqlFilms are exposed to higher levels of temperature and relative humidity than they should when the shift in the building’s structure causes the electrical system, and thus the ventilation system, to fail. The earthquake also causes the plumbing in the walls and ceiling around the piqlVault to burst and the piqlFilms to be exposed to water. The storage room itself was damaged to such an extent that its secure doors are forced into an open position, exposing the film further to the outside environment and constituting a breach in perimeter security. Scenario outline


Type of risk (Hazard/Threat)

Hazard: Earthquake during a heat wave.




FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707

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