Piql - References in the Public Sector

Preservation of land records for Indonesia’s National Land Agency

The Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning, National Land Agency of Republic Indonesia (Badan Pertanahan Nasional) carries out government duties in the land sector, including stipulation of policies in land infrastructure, acquisition, and management of state property. With a constantly increasing pressure on their active servers, the Land Agency needed a practical archival workflow to handle non active information and records. With data stored digitally but also permanently, the Land Agency never has to worry about migrating the data, while enjoying the peace of mind that the documents will always be recoverable. Piql’s unique solution allows for digital access to the files (enabling metadata searching and access to the original file, not just a representation of it), while ensuring the true authentic record cannot be changed or manipulated once written to piqlFilm.

Albertus Yogo Information Systems Analyst National Land Agency of Republic Indonesia

With Piql, we’ve got the tools keep our data safe and secured for a long time and also avoid costly problems of data migration. ”

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