Piql - References in the Public Sector


Safeguarding and future-proofing irreplaceable and valuable information.

About Piql and our technology

We are a Norwegian innovative technology firm making a difference in this world.

The technology is disruptive and provides a holistic solution for truly secure and long-term data storage. The self-contained attributes and the extreme durability and longevity (1000 years+) of piqlFilm enables data access in the future with guaranteed data authenticity and integrity. The data preserved today, needs to be accessible in the future. A challenge to future access is the continuously changing technological standards and platforms (i.e. software, hardware and related interfaces). The piqlFilm is future-proof with no technology or vendor lock-in for future data retrieval.

Why Piql? https://vimeo.com/429907353

Explaining the technology: https://vimeo.com/106280961

Preserving history for the future with the Vatican Library

As one of the oldest and important libraries in the world, it contains one of the most significant collections of historical texts, including 75,000 codices and 1.1 million printed books. Formally established by Pope Nicholas V in 1475, the Library began a digitisation project in 2010 to preserve their collection of manuscripts for the future. The Vatican Library is working with Piql to safely preserve and protect some of their most valuable historic manuscripts for future generations.

Our dream is to convert our historic manuscripts to Piql, and thus be able to give this information to the next generations and to the future.

Testimonial from Lucciano Ammenti.

Lucciano Ammenti Vatican Library

Preservation of historical documents for the National Archive of Mexico

The National Archives of Mexico (AGN) is among the most important national archives in the world. Their 375 million pages include documents that form part of UNESCO’s “Memory of the World” collection. What do you do to make sure future generations will be able to access your nation’s most important historical documents? The National Archives of Mexico decided to go for Piql and the Arctic World Archive. The AGN’s challenge was to ensure that future generations could read documents vital to the national identity of the Mexican people. The original paper versions are vulnerable, and digitized versions normally face challenges related to migrations and data authenticity. The mission was to store the documents in the most secure manner possible.

The AGN collected Mexico’s most valuable historical documents from the last 400 years. This includes heritage from pre-Hispanic people, the Independence Act from 1821 in which Mexico declared independence from Spain, and the current and past constitutions. The 1000-years documented longevity of piqlFilm was ideal for AGN’s purpose. As an additional security measure, the film is stored in the most geo-politically secure data vault in the world; the Arctic World Archive. AWA deposit The National Archive of Mexico also deposited some of their most valuable assets; the Constitution of the Mexican Federation, the Independence Act of the Mexican Empire, fragments of the book “Chronicles of Michoacán in 1552” that describes the conquest of Michoacán, as well as historical maps, drawings and illustrations.

The stairs of National Palace with the famous mural The History of Mexico - by Diego Rivera.

It is an amazing feeling to know that my nation’s memory will be kept safe for future generations. ”

Erick Cardoso IT Director, National Archive of Mexico

Safeguarding Brazilian History for the National Archive of Brazil

The archive holds 2.5 Petabytes of information including thousands of documents, a large online collection of 10 electronic sites, seven databases and 42 research tools. The archive also holds an extensive analogue collection. The Brazilian National Archive found great interest in Piql’s vendor independent solution as they are struggling with the increasing cost of digitisation and migration. With a view to gradually transform the archive overtime, the first project preserving the most important historical documents on piqlFilm has been completed.

Holding such an extensive collection can present significant challenges for future management. Many archives rely on migration strategies to keep data accessible and this can become very expensive and risky for archives with large collections. This first project has been written to piqlFilm and deposited in the Arctic World Archive.

We are proud to create history for Brazil by being part of this important moment; to deposit in the Arctic World Archive the most important documents from the 16th century until the 20th century. By doing this, we ensure that future generations will have access to this information. ”

Mr. José Ricardo Marques Director of the National Archives of Brazil

Norwegian health data preserved for the Norwegian Health Archive (Norwegian National Archive)

The Norwegian Health Archive (NHA) opened in June 2019 with the mission to preserve every patient journal in Norway and provide valuable research material for future health research. The Norwegian Health Archive (NHA) carries the responsibility of ensuring that the nation’s health data lives on indefinitely. The NHA has begun a 10-year project to establish a long term digital archive for medical patient records. This project has global significance for how data can contribute to understanding a nation’s health. This is an ambitious project, collecting decades of records, in both analogue and digital form, and collating and treating all data in a single preservation system. Following a substantial procurement process, Piql won the tender together with Artefactual Inc, Canada. Our solution provides an Archivematica based digital preservation system with complementary modules to ensure reliable ingestion and a flexible health register, compliant with OAIS.

Piql is our main partner in providing a digital preservation system, based on Archivematica. Following the international standard of Open Archival Information System (ISO 14721 - OAIS), the solution is open source and includes free software and interfaces. This is important for digital preservation and ensures access to our valuable archives in the future. ”

Bjørn Børresen Director

Cultural heritage preservation for National Archive of Peru

The Archivo General de la Nación (AGN) is a public institution attached to the Ministry of Culture that protects and preserves the documents of the most important events that took place in Peru since the 16th century The AGN regulates, administers and designs the national policy regarding the protection and preservation of the documentary heritage of the nation and coordinates the actions necessary for the functioning of the archive. With the increasing use of digital technologies in the AGN, some unique and valuable digital content

is in danger due to of the lack of a trusted solution for the preservation—providing a similar level of security as the physical records. The AGN was attracted to Piql’s solution of long term digital preservation, offering a secure and sustainable way of keeping the data alive well into the future. In addition to having immediate access to information, offered through online solutions, the AGN wanted to ensure the safe keeping of information over time, with stability and integrity as well as versatile data recovery. Piql’s digital preservation solution, utilising photographic film, longevity tested to be over 1000 years, has the added benefit of keeping the information secure from online threats.

The interesting thing about the solution offered by Piql is that it mixes an analogue support, whose stability is proven, with the demands of data preservation and the resources that have been used in its production, following standards that facilitate future accessibility. ”

Peruvian woman working on traditional handmade wool production.

Nicolás Díaz Conservation manager of Archivo General de la Nación, Perú

Preservation of manuscripts for the Hungarian National Library

The Hungarian National Library was founded in 1802 by the Hungarian Count Ferenc Széchényi. Its collections consist of more than 2 million books, periodicals, manuscripts, documents, and images. Serving as a storehouse of knowledge, National Széchényi Library is an institution storing and making publicly available traditional (paper-based) and modern (electronic) library documents of the Hungarian cultural heritage. The Hungarian National Library were looking for a viable solution for long-term digital preservation of its precious heritage. After considering other technologies, such as LTO tape, the client trusted Piql to digitally preserve digitised manuscripts from the time of Matthias Corvinus, on our unique purpose built technology, piqlFilm.

Storing data with Piql achieves OAIS (ISO 14721) compliance and is as easy to use as any other digital technology, but with a unique security, integrity and longevity. These manuscripts will be safe for centuries in the future, without the need for migration and with guaranteed future access. Piql is the only technology that can deliver sustainable storage, for any length of time, with no risk of data loss. The Hungarian National Library now displays Piql’s technology alongside the original manuscripts, allowing visitors to learn about the importance of digital preservation.

We are very thankful that Hungary´s cultural memory and the most precious documents will be kept safe for future generations with the help of the Arctic World Archive and Piql. We recommend this new method to all institutions, as for the NSZL the collaboration remains effective and forward-looking. ”

Dávid Rózsa Director General

Safeguarding art with the National Museum of Norway

The National Museum holds Norway’s most extensive art collection, including national treasures such as “The Scream” by Edvard Munch. They also have an important role in preserving the collections to make them available for future generations. Long-term preservation of data, on a medium that is migration-free, self-contained, secure and allows visual representation together with the bits and bytes – the National Museum’s requirements were a perfect fit for Piql. We have entered into a long-term collaborative partnership with the common goal of preserving art for the next generations. The Head of Technology at The Norwegian National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Mr. Jahn Fredrik Sjøvik, presents his 10 criteria for selection a preservation solution for the National Museums most valuable assets (video).

We wrote a wish list for an ideal preservation solution. Piql met all requirements on the list. ”

Jahn-Fredrik Sjøvik CIO, National Museum of Norway

” Jan Ingar Hansen

The collaboration with Piql has given us the knowledge and expertise to long-term archiving and storage that ensures our valuable content is securely safeguarded for future generations as an integral part of our long-term strategy of digitisation and archiving in the Museum.

Project Manager, Norwegian Armed Forces Museum

Preservation of audio-visual content for Norwegian Armed Forces Museum

The Norwegian Armed Forces Museum is the Norwegian Defence authority responsible for cultural heritage. With seven different departments, it covers a wide range of museum and archival tasks for the Norwegian Defence Force. The documentation of the museum goes back more than 100 years, and in 2017 a large digitisation project was initiated. This project has been digitising photos, videos, and sound pieces to better understand what historical information was stored in the different locations around the country, as well as making it accessible for the public and future research. Building on the digitising project, the Armed Forces Museum sought external guidance for help on a long-term information storage strategy and Piql was invited to assess the Museum’s needs and requirements. Clearly understanding that the needs of the museum expanded beyond long-term storage, Piql and the Museum engaged in a holistic archival process, to better understand the whole process. The armed forces museum has also acquired a piqlReader for their own use.

Preservation of land records for Indonesia’s National Land Agency

The Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning, National Land Agency of Republic Indonesia (Badan Pertanahan Nasional) carries out government duties in the land sector, including stipulation of policies in land infrastructure, acquisition, and management of state property. With a constantly increasing pressure on their active servers, the Land Agency needed a practical archival workflow to handle non active information and records. With data stored digitally but also permanently, the Land Agency never has to worry about migrating the data, while enjoying the peace of mind that the documents will always be recoverable. Piql’s unique solution allows for digital access to the files (enabling metadata searching and access to the original file, not just a representation of it), while ensuring the true authentic record cannot be changed or manipulated once written to piqlFilm.

Albertus Yogo Information Systems Analyst National Land Agency of Republic Indonesia

With Piql, we’ve got the tools keep our data safe and secured for a long time and also avoid costly problems of data migration. ”

Digital transformation and preservation of Epigraphs for the Archaeological Survey of India

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is an Indian government agency that is responsible for archaeological research and the conservation and preservation of cultural historical monuments in the country. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is the Custodian of 100,000 copper and stone estampages

(impressions of an inscription made onto inked paper) in different Indian languages, which have been safely kept for many years for research and archiving purposes. They needed someone that could provide a complete solution for digital transformation. Furthermore, they needed a platform designed to handle

large amounts of Epigraphs of various shapes and sizes, as well as a place to store it for the world to remember. Piql introduced our 360-degree solution, which includes scanning, digitizing, indexing, cataloging, meta tagging, website development, as well as archiving of 100,000 epigraphs. When the process is finished, one copy of piqlFilm will be kept with ASI, and an additional copy will be deposited in the Arctic World Archive.

We have embarked upon the mammoth task of digitizing all the estampages along with their transcripts. With view to make this wealth of information available in digital manner, the database will be put up on a website for wider dissemination. The data will also be converted into compact microfilms & kept for eternity in the Arctic World Archive (AWA) as memory of humanity of the world. ”

Smt.V Vidyavati Director General

Digitisation and preservation of Geodetic and Cartographic data for GKU Slovakia

The Geodetic and Cartographic Institute of Bratislava (GKU) is an organization established by the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic to fulfill the tasks of state administration for geodesy, cartography and real estate cadastre. Today, the institute implements, manages, and develops the information system of geodesy, cartography, and cadastres. The goal of GKÚ Bratislava is complete digitization of cadastral maps and the description of raster data by means of metadata. The files have been converted to preservation format in digital form to ensure its readability in the future and stored to piqlFilm.

In today’s era of digitisation, the success of digital transformation comes from a well-planned collaboration. The most important [part] for us was to safeguard our historical data, in a format that will last forever. And I have no doubt, Piql met all our needs.” ”

Ing. Juraj Celler Deputy Director of GKU

A strategic collaboration with the National Library and Archives (NLA) of the United Arab Emirates

The National Library and Archives was established in 1968 under the name of “Documents and Research Bureau”. Its objectives were defined as collecting documents and information relating to the history and culture of the Arabian Peninsula in general and the United Arab Emirates in particular, We are in the process of delivering the first project with data stored on piqlFilm as well as a piqlReader to the NLA. «Striving to capitalize on the newest cutting-edge technology in digital preservation and long-term safeguarding of information and records, the National Archives -under the UAE Ministry of Presidential Affairs- has launched a strategic partnership with

PIQL, an industry-pioneer in permanent archival preservation. This partnership reinforces the NLA’s continuous commitment of preserving, documenting, archiving and safeguarding the memory of the nation, leveraging the world’s newest and most advanced technologies, to keep the information available for the future generations, facilitate its easy retrieval, and share the UAE’s rich historical journey with the world. The National Archives also aims to consolidate its position as a regional excellence hub providing permanent digital preservation services, aligned with the industry’s best practices and technologies, with tools that are able to transform digital data into ultra-high-resolution nano-films that are unhackable,

tamper-proof, and undeletable. The technology also promises a prolonged longevity of around 1000 years using integrated complex solutions guarantying a safe retrieval of data in the future»

- National Library and Archives, Abu Dhabi, UAE

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