Piql Book of References

Digital art and NFTs deposited for eternity Case Study

The contribution of NFTs will be done in two stages/cohorts, whereas Cohort one has already been deposited in the Arctic World Archive, and Top Dog Studios is currently inviting new partners for the second cohort through its «non-fungible vault» promotional page (https://topdogstudios.io/non-fungible vault/). “COHORT ONE” deposited the following NFT collections in the Arctic World Archive:

For starters, the token with the smart contract might not link directly to the asset. Or the asset could be on a centralized provider that could eventually shut down. The NFT could merely link to a URL, which means that whatever is stored on that URL can be changed. Like other data in the world, everything in the digital scene/ world is prone to alteration, either through man-made actions or by the powers of nature. Arctic World Archive (AWA), and the company behind the technology, Piql, are thriving for a resilient future in the “old school” format. With new and trendy technology flaring up on a daily basis, more valuable data from digital stuff such as programs, images, documents, presentations, etc.. derive, and upon creation and stored on a server, - is instantly exposed to the danger data servers are prone to. SOLUTION 67,531 NFTs were deposited into the Arctic World Archive during an exclusive ceremony on March 17th, 2022, where they will be safe from natural, man-made disasters, and online threats for thousands of years. Top Dog Studios claim that the stored NFTs total “vault market cap” is $763,144,131. Representatives from Piql, Top Dog Studios, and some of their most important artists and collectors based in the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Georgia were present in Longyearbyen for the ceremony. The event was live streamed for hundreds of curious NFT collectors and engaged fans, and the depositing event received heightened recognition and engagement through posting and live streaming from various social media accounts owned by the artists attending.

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Top Dogs + Top Cats


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MoonCats (ponderware)

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