Invitation to become a Piql Pilot Client
FOR INTERESTED PILOT CLIENTS – YOU CAN PILOT TEST A PIQLREADER FOR LOCAL READBACK For potential Clients that typically would like to store their data (i.e. the piqlFilm in the piqlBox) on their own premises, or they would like the convenience of reading back the data from piqlFilm internally (fully independent of Piql), we will be able to offer a full-scale Pilot Test of the piqlReader. • You will find a location to place the piqlReader for the Pilot Test • We will ship and install the piqlReader • You will allocate recourses for the Pilot Test and we will train your staff to use it • You use and test the piqlReader (i.e. reading back your piqlFilm using piqlAccess or piqlConnect and give us feedback) • Together we assess the need for integration with your existing IT-system • You will verify the Use Case and Business Case
There are no further expectations on your contribution, other than completing the Pilot Test and to give us your open feedback on your experiences upon completion of the Pilot Test. Both the Pilot Project – to test your data onpiqlFilm - and Pilot Testing of the piqlReader have already started in select in countries and will now be available in your country. Contact your local Piql Partner for more information about the Piql Service Journey and how to become a Pilot Client and do a Pilot Project as a first step and to conduct a poten- tial Pilot Test of the piqlReader as a second step.
These activities will be conducted in the framework of an innovative and comprehensive EU Horizon2020 project.
We will be delighted to engage with you!
• Typically testing period is 1 month • We take care of the return shipment
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