Condensed extract by Piql - A risk assessment of the Piql Services
Electromagnetic radiation Can negatively influence electrical equipment inside the piqlVault, but will not have any influence on piqlFilm or piqlBox.
Sabotage Major concern for Piql Services, both if motivation is to to damage the information or simply create chaos.
Theft of piqlFilm Is one of the biggest threats.
Espionage Becomes the risk when the information on piqlFilm holds great value to a threat actor, who would attack during the production phase when the information is still connected to online networks.
IT Security Despite having relatively strong mechanisms, there are weak points which can be attacked.
Conclusions FFI’s risk assessment has thoroughly examined and challenged Piql and other existing data storage and preservation solutions by applying worst-case scenario-based model. The threats applied in the study can be divided into severe threats, i.e. fire, insider threat, etc, and not-so-severe threats, i.e. electromagnetic pulses, water, etc. As expected, such method pointed out numerous vulnerabilities and security challenges to all data storage and preservation technologies. Many existing data storage and preservation technologies are unable to solve most problems that FFI has presented because of the limitations of their solution’s design and their storage mediums. However, Piql System’s design and storage medium allow for creation of simple add-on solutions that can protect piqlFilm and piqlBox from the majority of these solutions, and can also re-develop some features to solve other threats. This level of versatility is what makes Piql the best data storage and preservation service provider available today. Based on client’s needs and what client deems as the biggest threat for them, Piql can easily add features which will solve the problem.
Since this report was published in June of 2016, Piql has been actively developing features that FFI pointed out as needed.
To learn more about FFI risk assessment of Piql and alternative solutions, please contact your local Piql Partner.
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