Arctic World Archive - Deposit Summary
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Deposits ArcticWorld Archive
The inauguration of Piql’s digital vault “ArcticWorld Archive” took place onMarch 27th inMine no. 3 in Longyearbyen, on the arctic island of Svalbard. The opening is receivingmassivemedia attention fromall over the world, frommedia channels such as TIMEMagazine, ABCNews,, The Sun and NRK, just to name a few. We have talked to CNN, Al Jazeera and BBC, and theWorld Economic Forumhas made a video clip about Piql’s digital vault.
National Archive of Brazil
National Archive of Mexico
The National Archive of Brazil deposited historical docu- ments such as the first Constitution of the Monarchy from 1824, the first Constitution of the Republic from 1881, and historical photos of the law that abolishing slavery in 1888. this important moment; to deposit in the Arctic World Archive the most important documents from the 16th century until the 20th century. By doing this, we ensure that future generations will have access to this information. Mr. José Ricardo Marques, National Archives of Brazil “ We are proud to create history for Brazil by being part of
The National Archive of Mexico also deposited some of their most valuable assets; the Constitution of the Mexican Federation, the Independence Act of the Mexican Empire, fragments of the book “Chronicles of Michoacán in 1552” that describes the conquest of Michoacán, as well as histor- ical maps, drawings and illustrations.
kept safe for future generations Eric Cardoso CTO – National Archives of Mexico “
It is an amazing feeling to know that my nation’s memory will be
On 22. of February 2018, 36 visitors from 7 countries deposited data from 15 organisations/individuals representing 9 countries. A wide and impressive range of data preserved on piqlFilm stored in the piqlBox was deposited.
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Other deposits
Digitized paintings of the Norwegian painter Edward Much (e.g. The Scream) from The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design of Norway
• Historical movies from the city archives of Drammen
• A collection of the most important audio/video record- ings of the unforgettable Renata Tebaldi (a great Italian opera diva) • “Bhagavad Gita” – a more than 2200 years old Indian manuscript of Hindu tradition in terms of both literature and philosophy • Minna Alaluusua, Contemporary artist and Master of Arts preserved valuable photographs (some model and artwork photos) in digital and visual format • Collection of some of the most valuable archival informa- tion (documents and photos) in Mexico
The manuscript of the "Divine Comedy" (La Divi- na Commedia) by Dante Alighieri, masterpiece of the 14th century Italian literature from the Vatican Library
Photographic material fromAlinari’s huge and prestigious archives (Alinari is the oldest company
in the world in the field of photography)
The history of Pele, Carlos Alberto Torres, Zico and Brazil’s World Class Players preserved to inspire our future athletes – a deposit made by the Brazilian Football Confederation
Representatives from Diputació de Barcelona & Fundación felipe Gonzalez.
On 21 February, in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, over 65 people frommore than 25 organisations from 10 different nations gathered to contribute to world memory.
This was the third deposit of data into the Arctic World Ar- chive and by the far the biggest and most diverse. On arrival, we were treated to an introduction to Svalbard and its history by Sander Solnes from the SvalbardMuseum as we met all our contributing organisations. Such a large group in a small city saw great opportunity for networking and getting to know each other. To celebrate our third deposit, we held a ceremony at Mine 3, hosted by Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani. Our
gracious hosts welcomed us and provided tours for all our guests to the archive to make their deposits. Feedback from the event has been fantastic and we are so pleased that our clients found the experience valuable as they contributed to world memory. We are already looking forward to our next deposit and wel- coming more valuable information into the Arctic World Archive.
The National Museum of Norway made their sec- ond deposit to the Archive, featuring a diverse col- lection of the more valuable pieces they hold, providing a unique overview of Norwegian culture and history, includ- ing the masterpiece, Vinternatt i Rodane (Winter’s night in Rodane) (1914) by Harald Sohlberg Telia, in collaboration with a Norwegian start-up, Hidden, deposited a collection of Norwegian folk tales that capture the essence of traditional Norwegian folk tales, legends and myths. Documented stories of sea crea- tures, trolls, princes and unlikely heroes are now immersed in the permafrost conditions of the Archive forever. The National History Museum of Norway deposited the original digital files and the x-ray images of the world- renowned IDA fossil (scientific name Darwinius masillae), discovered some years ago (commonly referred to as the missing link). The original fossil is on display at the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo. 2:
The European Space Agency (ESA) deposited some sample data acquired by its first Earth Re- mote Sensing (ERS) satellite launched in 1991, and a thor- ough description of the mission objectives and achieve- ments. This history captures the moment that saw a whole new chapter opened for the world in continuously and con- sistentlymonitoring the health of our planet fromspace and should never be lost, a truly magnificent story. The Brazilian Museum of the Person deposited an extract from the "Memória de Brasileiros e Brasileiras" collection, composed of more than 2000 digitized photos and 300 life stories recorded between 2006 and 2016. The stories were recorded in expeditions that passed through 42 cities in 14 states of the brazilian territory. In addition, by understand- ing the value of traditional knowledge for the development of Brazilian culture and the current threat to indigenous peoples, 11 interviews with indigenous leaders from differ- ent ethnic groups in Brazil will also be included. The content was chosen in honor of the International Year of Modera- tion and Indigenous Languages chosen by the United Na- tions for 2019.
erations. 1:
The Fundación Felipe Gónzalez deposited import- ant political memories for the benefit of future gen-
on the negotiation for the signing of the Treaty of Accession to the EEC, preparatory notes for the Councils of Ministers and parliamentary debates; meetings with the Ministers of Economy, Defense or Foreign Affairs; notes of the Europe- an Council; drafts of letters to international political leaders or reflections on current political events. The photographs taken by Miguel Povedano, official pho- tographer of Moncloa, are in the same way, testimony of the audiences and meetings between the President and the different national and international social and political ac- tors, as well as the various conferences and summits that he attends during the years of government, including the sign- ing ceremony for the accession to the European Economic Community in 1985, the Peace Conference for the Middle East held in 1991, and the various Ibero-American Summits that took place from that same year. • Memories with Norway and Spain Photographs that celebrate the relationship between the two counties, of Gro Harlem, Kåre Willoch and Harald V.
• The steps to democracy Pre-constitutional secret meetings:
These typed documents include the transcript of the talks held in October 1976 and in March 1977 between a secret services command (Central Documentation Service) and Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra, young leaders of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party still illegal. • Socialism: the Congresses. These photographs taken by Pablo Juliá portray the XXVII and XXVIII Congress of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party, celebrated in 1976 and 1979 respectively. The XXVII was the first celebrated in Spain after the Civil War, in which Felipe González is ratified as Secretary General and Ramón Rubial becomes President of the Party. In the XXVIII, the propos- al to abandon Marxism is rejected and, as a result, Felipe González resigns as Secretary General. • Life in Moncloa: the Government The offices and the hearings: the task of Government. The notebooks of the President are testimony of the task of Government and the development of daily life in the Mon- cloa Palace. In this sample we find handwritten annotations
Gónzalez sworn in as president in 1982. Photo: Fundacion Felipe Gonzalez.
Infinity, a service of MediaSet deposited one of the most iconic italian movies: “Mediterraneo” - di- rected by Gabriele Salvatores. The movie won the Oscar for Best Foreign film in 1991. Pisa University deposited manuscripts including those of the Egyptologist Ippolito Rosellini, which still constitute an indispensable tool for scholars of Egyp- tology and several manuscripts from the sixteenth century Pisan Botanical Garden containing precious watercolor plates with drawings of flowers, plants, animals and pros- pects of gardens. Variety Communication, a film distributor with one of the largest Italian heritage film collections, deposited the iconic Ladri di biciclette (Bicycle Thieves), directed by Vittorio De Sica (1949). This film, rated as one of the greatest films of all time by many critics, was chosen for its significance for Italian cinema. The Slovakian travel agency Bubo Travel has deposited their 25 year history from travels around the world. Being the big- gest experience travel provider in central Europe, offering tours to 195 countries including the Arctic and Antarctica, 3: 4:
The Diputación de Barcelona deposited the digitalised cop- ies of the first two books of plenary acts from 1812.
The Vatican Library built on its previous deposit with more ancient manuscripts, making it the Ar-
chive’s largest contributor.
The 60 manuscripts are carefully preserved in a limited- access Reserve, within the vaults of the Library, where doc- uments that are particularly important, rare, or delicate can be attended to by the conservators. Including: • One of the most important and precious manuscripts of the Gospels, Hanna Papyrus 1 (Mater Verbi), It was copied in the early third century A.D. and it is one of the oldest surviv- ing witnesses of the text of the New Testament. • The famous De arte venandi cum avibus (On The Art of Hunting with Birds), it is a Latin treatise on ornithology and falconry written in the 1240s by Frederick II, and dedicated to his son Manfred. It's a two-column parchment codex of 111 folios now in the Vatican Library in the Palatina Collec- tion. • The Vatican Virgil: It was copied in about 400A.D. and it is one of the oldest surviving sources for the text of the Aeneid and it is the oldest and one of only three ancient illustrated manuscripts of classical literature
the company sees significant value preserving its history. The deposit contains the best photos and videos from over 25 years of providing clients ultimate travel experiences, as well as new brochure for client for year 2019, where Svalbard will be first offered as a destination.
plements the histories already in the Archive, namely the National Archives of Mexico and Brazil. • Namibian Women’s Issues In addition to historic Namibian content, this project cap- tures present day cultural challenges, featuring filmed inter- views with a variety of women. These interviews show the cultural shift that has taken place over just 20 years. This unique digital preservation project contributes a unique piece of worldmemory to the ArcticWorld Archive, creating a richer picture of our era. • Beit Lehi This project works to provide virtual reality capture of Beit Lehi, an active archaeological site southwest of Jerusalem. Storing these virtual reality files in the Archive ensures that these relics are never lost, and future generations can expe- rience the sites as we can today. SGC Thailand, a leading business conglomerate has digitally preserved its history in the Arctic World Archive. This history, covering the inauguration of the organisation in 1913 by royal decree, features images and videos from 106 years in operation.
Utah Valley University • Earliest audio
This project restored, transcribed and digitally preserved the first audio recordings made on Edison cylinders. These recordings include classic tunes such as Goodbye Boys, It's A Long, Long Way To Tipperary, Kiss Me My Honey Kiss Me, among many others. Digitally preserving these items has been made possible through the unique qualities of piqlFilm, allowing audio to be stored for an unlimited time. • Spike Jones This project archived and digitally preserved the extensive collection of music written by the comedic AmericanMusi- cian who captivated audiences in the 1940s. With the main objective of this project to share this audio, storing it in the Archivemeans it can also be shared with future generations. • Namibian Archive This project worked to digitally preserve the National Ar- chive of Namibia. Capturing the history of this nation com-
A Korean Artist, Yongseok Oh, is now storing an art project focussed on time, in the Arctic World Archive. Through his art, Yongseok Oh emphasizes the crossing of the past and the present, the real and the imagined, by creating a visual collage of stills and moving images. The idea behind the Eternal Pause project was to use old still photographs and bring the moment back to life through movement. To realise the project, he sought peoplewhowanted topreserve their photos forever or want- ed to their photos to live beyond their life. He then wanted to celebrate the concept of time further by finding a way to preserve that now living moment into the future. The Arctic World Archive also became home to 10 more world cultural treasures. To celebrate the European Year of Cultural Heritage, we asked the public to nominate and vote for items that deserve to be digitally preserved for- ever. The winning top 10: • Music for the Jilted Generation, The Prodigy provided by the The Prodigy • Rembrandt’s The Night Watch provided by the RijksmuseumMuseum
• Gutenberg Bible provided by Goethe University Frankfurt amMain • Higgs Boson scientific breakthrough provided by CERN • Photos celebrating the life of Henrik Ibsen provided by the Norwegian National Museum • Ljudbänken, a Swedish sound project provided by Audiorama and StockholmArt • Photos capturing the history of Svalbard provided by Svalbard Musuem • Architectural design of the Guggenheim Bilbao provid- ed by the Guggenheim Bilbao • Artworks celebrating Sami culture provided by the Norwegian National Museum • Photos capturing famous religious sites winners from Future of Religious Heritage photo competition We also invited one lucky contributor to the competition to come with us and deposit the collection on behalf of the public. Our winner is Elizabeth Coelho, a Spanish Librari- an, who nominated an item of Svalbard heritage. Elizabeth joined us at the ceremony and deposited the top 10 into the Arctic World Archive on behalf of the public.
GitHub deposited 6,000 of its most significant repositories in AWA for perpetuity, capturing the evolution of technology and software.
On the 30-year anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child, UNICEF has deposited document in AWA both as a DNA file, which is an emerging data storage technology, and on piqlFilm to ensure future accessibility. A second deposit on piqlFilmwill also be made with signatures UNICEF is collecting representing support for the convention
This collection includes the source code for the Linux and Android operating systems; the programming languages Python, Ruby, and Rust; web platforms Node, V8, React, and Angular; cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum; AI tools TensorFlow and FastAI; and many more. GitHub will also store all active public repositories in early 2020.
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