"A risk assessment of the Piql Services" by FFI
The vault is regulated through ventilation to uphold the ISO standards governing levels of humidity and temperature, but the day itself is very hot and humid. All safety measures required by Piql AS are in place, see section 5.5.1 for details. Of special notice here: as this area is very prone to earthquakes, the building has been constructed following all national regulations regarding seismic mitigation. All security measures required by Piql AS are in place. Even though the user class is business non-sensitive, the company is a powerful one with many resources at its disposal and a reputation to uphold. The physical infrastructure of the building and the storage room is highly affected. The scale and force of the earthquake was such that it surpassed the seismic mitigation measures, though these did prohibit the building from collapsing. The infrastructure of the storage room shifts so that the doors to the room are left in an open position, letting hot and humid air into the vault during the heat wave. This allows uncontrolled access to the piqlFilms as well. As the ventilation system has shut down, the negative effects of the increase in temperature and humidity are worsened. Neither is the connection to the backup generator working. The stability of the piqlVault system grid, with the combined strength of the structure and the tightly stacked piqlBins, enables it to remain upright during the earthquake, though the grid is noticeably broken in places. However, the earthquake also causes large pieces of armoured concrete from the ceiling to fall on top of the grid, crashing through the top piqlBins, -Boxes and -Films. Water from the bursting pipes sprinkles over parts of the grid and the robots, whose electronics short-circuit when they come in contact with the water. This, however, does little to change the overall functionality of the piqlVault system, as the damages described above will require a full replacement of the system regardless of the water damage. As the grid remains upright, the piqlBoxes are not strewn across the floor, but rather remain in the piqlBins and receive some protection from the water streaming from the busted water pipes. Small amounts of clean water do little to affect the piqlBox. This means little to the piqlBoxes near the top of the grid which are crushed by the falling concrete slabs. These, and their contents, are completely destroyed by the impact. However, it is difficult to say what the situation is for the lower piqlBoxes, the ones which survived the initial impact from the concrete slabs, but which now have to withstand the increased physical pressure from the weight of the slabs. There has not been performed any testing on this, though the
Local safety measures
Local security measures
Outer building
FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707
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