"A risk assessment of the Piql Services" by FFI
Type of risk (Hazard/Threat)
Threat: A bomb targeted at the office building where the piqlVault is located.
Intentional (Yes/No/Both)
Both. The threat to blow up the office building is intentional, but the direct target is not the piqlVault.
A so-called lone wolf terrorist, with extreme right-wing sympathies. He/she does not have much of a social life, spends his/her days instead online in right-wing extremist chat rooms and the like. He/she has never done anything like this before, but has become more and more radicalised of late. The right-wing extremist believes in white power and keeping societies homogenous. After allowing his/her rage against multiculturalism to build up unchecked for a long time, he/she decides to act. Online research leads him/her to the NGO in the same building as the piqlVault. Through recipes and description found on the internet, he/she builds a 500 kg bomb consisting of ammonium nitrate fertiliser. It causes all the windows in the building to blow out, the contents of the lower floors are almost entirely blown out by the pressure wave and an entire section of the building closest to the bomb is blown away. With endless supply of time and determination, the right-wing extremist manages to build the bomb he/she wants. He/she has some of the necessary skills from a lasting interest in chemistry, and gets tips online on how to acquire the relevant ingredients without being detected.
Profile of actor (if intentional)
Description of cause
Competence and resources (if intentional)
User class
Business or private, sensitive information or not: the vulnerability is the same for all when the piqlVault is positioned in the damage radius of the bomb.
User type
Not relevant. See over.
Not relevant. See over.
Geographical zone: North (Southern Europe). The continent’s landscape is marked by mountainous areas and flat, wide expanses and river valleys with mush vegetation. The developmental level of the continent is high and the political climate is stable.
Location description
The piqlVault is situated in an urban area, right in the city centre.
The scenario is set in 2029, and it could take place in the present and in
FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707
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