"A risk assessment of the Piql Services" by FFI
opened and surveillance systems failing. In addition, all operations of the piqlVault system, as an automated system, will cease. The robots in particular can be damaged if there is an overload on several of its finer electronic components at the same time. The electromagnetic pulses will also destroy the data which is transferred via the radio signals from the Controller to the robots, impeding the movements of the robots [55]. The availability of the piqlFilms may then for a time be compromised as repairs to the electronics of the piqlVault system must be undertaken before the system can operate fully again. The final type of radiation covered here is ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The risks to the Piql Preservation Services connected with UV radiation were not included in a scenario, but we thought it worth mentioning, as its effects of the piqlFilm are important to be aware of. The mechanical properties of PET of the piqlFilm will be somewhat degraded by UV radiation, as all plastics are, though it will hold up better than the PP of the piqlBox. Most harmful, however, are the effects on the emulsion layer on the piqlFilm. The silver halides contained within it are photoactive, as this is how the information is written onto the piqlFilm. This means that they will be bleached if left out in sunlight or UV radiation from lighting in the ceiling. Under normal storage conditions the piqlFilm is coiled and placed in a piqlBox, and these packaging features both should protect the piqlFilm from exposure to UV radiation. Yet, it is possible to imagine scenarios where the piqlFilm can be exposed to these adverse conditions, for instance if it is thrown from the building on a sunny day during production due to an explosion. Should a similar event occur, and the piqlFilm is bleached in this way, it cannot be read back and the information is lost. 38 This is also why adhering to the production and storage conditions concerning lighting is so important. We have now described some risks related specifically to the properties of the Piql components. We now turn to threats which would not be present but for the malicious intent and actions of others. As such, we will more thoroughly describe the challenges faced by the security parameters surrounding the Piql Preservation Services. As a storage medium of potentially very valuable and sensitive information, the Piql Preservation Services can likely be the victim of theft throughout its existence. Theft is one of the biggest threats to the Piql Preservation Services, as well as one of the more consistent ones, as we can safely assume this risk will be present throughout the 500 years included in this risk assessment. So long as the piqlFilms store information which is of interest to someone else, that threat actor may attempt to steal it, which would greatly compromise the availability and confidentiality of the information. The motivation for the theft can be either making a profit through the own usage and implementation of the information stored, or by selling it to a third party. A third option is to use possibly sensitive information about an individual or organisation 9.1.13 Theft 9.1.12 Ultraviolet Radiation
38 The properties and qualities of the piqlBox and piqlFilm were discussed in a telephone meeting with Espen Ommundsen, Principal Researcher at Norner AS, and Yvonne Hed, Researcher at Norner AS, on 17.09.15.
FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707
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