"A risk assessment of the Piql Services" by FFI
Profile of actor (if intentional)
Major nuclear power with nuclear warheads directed at various targets at all times.
Due to the global political environment and the policy of MAD, the Middle Eastern city is targeted with a nuclear warhead. However, its detonation was an accident. The threat actor had no real intention of launching the missile. The nuclear warhead detonated weighs 300 kiloton, which, when detonated in the air above the target, as good as annihilates everything in a 7.5 km radius from ground zero. The destruction is caused either by the initial fireball or blast wave or the mass fire ignited as a consequence of the former. The area most affect by the radioactive fallout depends on the wind direction and where the smoke and mushroom cloud are carried. The threat actor is one of several acknowledged nuclear powers. They have done nuclear weapons testing, which has been verified by other nations as being successful.
Description of cause
Competence and resources (if intentional)
User class
Business or private, sensitive information or not: the vulnerability is the same for all when the piqlVault is positioned in the damage radius of the nuclear detonation.
User type
Not relevant. See over.
Not relevant. See over.
Geographical zone: Middle (Middle East). The setting is a major Middle Eastern metropolis. The developmental level is not very high, and construction techniques are not very modern or advanced.
The piqlVault is situated in an urban area, centrally located in the city.
Location description
The scenario takes place in the future, 2399, as it presupposes an imagined situation in which the days of MAD are back. As the user class is undefined in this scenario, so is the time period, but it could apply for both: the result would be the same. The climate zone is hot desert with very little precipitation. It is autumn, the beginning of October. The local weather conditions are mild and dry: 18° Celsius with a relative humidity of 41 %.
Environment description
The incident occurs late afternoon.
The scenario takes place while the piqlFilms are in storage in the piqlVault. The piqlVault system is placed in a storage room located in the
Vault description
FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707
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