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FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707



Most importantly for the data owner, the confidentiality of the

information stored on the PiqlFilms was irrevocably compromised, as

another actor who absolutely should not have had access to its contents

did gain access. The loss of confidentiality may have grave

consequences for the data owner, insofar as they are unable to defend

themselves during the imminent attack as well as they potentially would

have been.

Immunity (against

attacks on the above


The Piql Preservation Services is not immune to attacks against

confidentiality and availability.



protective measures

Taking necessary precautions and constantly being alert and aware of

potential risks.

Ensuring the data is backed-up regularly during a period marked by

geopolitical tensions, in case of an imminent attack.


Relevant literature

[85] Landbruks- og matdepartementet (n.d.),

Svalbard Globale frøhvelv

[56] Heireng, H. S., Elgsaas, I. M., Nystuen, K. O.,


Nasjonale verdier står på spill – hva koster mangelfull forebyggende

sikkerhet det norske samfunn?”

[86] Ekspertgruppen for Forsvaret av Norge (2015),

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