"A risk assessment of the Piql Services" by FFI
up to the outside elements, but they do not reach the storage room, which is situated down a long corridor and separated by a door.
The piqlVault is forced entry, but strategically so, so that the structural integrity for the most part remains intact. The temperature and humidity regulations remain intact. The small fires caused by the controlled explosions needed to get into the storage room do not reach the piqlVault system grid (which would have been protected by the fire suppression mechanism anyhow). The weaponised electromagnetic pulses do not reach the piqlVault, as they were employed outside the mountain hall. Had they reached the piqlVault system, all operations would cease. The robots in particular could be damaged if there is an overload on several of its finer electronic components at the same time. The electromagnetic pulses would also destroy the data which is transferred via the radio signals from the Controller to the robots, impeding the movements of the robots. The piqlFilms in question are not damaged. The electromagnetic pulses have no effect in the plastic of the film; the explosives and subsequent fire do not reach the vault; and the temperatures and humidity levels do not notably change. The piqlFilms are, however, removed from the facility without authorised permission. The power supply is not affected in a notable way during the attack. The explosions were controlled to the extent that they would not take out any other systems while the doors were forced open. And even if they did, the mountain repository is well equipped with backup generators (no provider of redundancy, however, as too difficult due to remote location). The storage conditions of the Piql Preservation Services are not notably affected during the incident. The entrance to the storage room is left open after the state actor leaves, as the door has been blown away, but the backup that was called by the data owner during the attack arrive fairly quickly after state X left and were able to restore ideal storage conditions. The piqlBox is not affected during the incident.
Power/energy supply
Divergence from
ISO standard
Security mechanisms
As the piqlFilms are not damaged during the incident, the data is not lost in the sense that it is altered. The integrity of the piqlFilms thus remains intact.
The availability of the piqlFilms is compromised, as the information stored on them is no longer accessible to the data owner.
FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707
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