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FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707


go to great lengths to gain access to.



The climate zone is an arctic climate. It is winter, in the beginning of

January. The local weather conditions are cold and dry: -23° Celsius

with a relative humidity of 62 %.

The attack is mounted at night. It is during the period of the polar night,

but the timing is not due to the cover of darkness, but rather fewer

people present in the piqlVault.

Vault description

The scenario takes place while the piqlFilm is in storage in the

piqlVault. The piqlVault system is located in a mountain repository,

deep in the permafrost.

The vault is regulated through ventilation to uphold the ISO standards

governing levels of humidity and temperature.

Local safety


All safety measures required by Piql AS are in place, see section 5.5.1

for details. Additional safety measures are in place, as befitting a

mountain repository: Multiple backup generators, fortified walls with

additional protection against nuclear blast, radiation, electromagnetic

pulses and CBR agents.

Local security


All security measures required by Piql AS are in place. Additional

security measures are in place, as befitting a high-demanding user:

Access control: Protective barriers in the form of (i) gate monitored by

security personnel for admittance, and (ii) doors/sluices inside the

facility which opens with authorised ID verification solutions.

Alarm systems: Alarm systems (i) installed in connection with

authorisation devices, and (ii) triggered by motion sensors at strategic

points. Summons security personnel.

Camera surveillance: CCTV coverage of outside entrance area, all

access points and all critical points inside the facility. Recorded and

monitored 24/7.

Security personnel: Two (2) guards onsite during office hours, one (1)

onsite outside office hours. Sound vetting procedures for all personnel

(either security clearance or criminal record and credit check depending

on sector).


Outer building

The perimeter barriers around the entrance of the mountain hall are

breached. They did not stand a chance against the direct military attack

by state actor with formidable military powers. The use of EMWs cause

all electronic barriers to fail, some even manipulated the signals in the

system to allow access, and controlled explosions are used to force entry

through doors which cannot be opened otherwise. This opens the facility