"A risk assessment of the Piql Services" by FFI
Security mechanisms
The piqlFilms which were crushed by the falling concrete slabs are damaged beyond repair. It will longer be possible to verify the integrity of the information stored on these piqlFilms. The integrity of the piqlFilms subjected to the additional physical pressure of the slabs may be compromised if these too are crushed. For the remaining piqlFilms, the loss in ideal storage conditions may cause the information to blur so that it cannot be read back. If that is the case, integrity is lost for these piqlFilms as well. Availability is compromised for all the piqlFilms for some time, as the Piql personnel are unable to access the vault due to the unsafe stability of the structure of the office building. The availability of the piqlFilms which are crushed and the piqlFilm which potentially succumb to the pressure of the slabs is permanently compromised. For the piqlFilms which have blurred beyond visibility due to the high temperature and humidity, availability is irrevocably compromised. If it turns out some of the piqlFilms can be made readable again, then their availability is compromised only temporarily. The confidentiality of all the piqlFilms remains intact, as no unauthorised personnel gained access to the piqlVault during the scenario. The information on the piqlFilms which were crushed by the concrete slabs will remain forever confidential. The confidentiality of the remaining piqlFilm was threatened for a time, as the structural integrity of the building had been compromised and as such perimeter security could not be guaranteed, but the dangerous environment served as security in itself. The films remained inaccessible and thus confidential.
Immunity (against attacks on the above mentioned)
The Piql Preservation Services is not immune to attacks on availability or integrity.
A piqlVault is more vulnerable to the effects of an earthquake when it is placed in the upper floors of a building. In an area prone to earthquakes (but not to floods), place the piqlVault in lower floors or in the basement. Additionally, more testing on the piqlBox is recommended to understand what is needed to reinforce the primary packaging of the piqlFilm to withstand more pressure from external impacts and thus better protect the piqlFilm.
Recommended protective measures
Relevant literature
FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707
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