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FFI-RAPPORT 16/00707

The emulsion layer of the piqlFilm, made of gelatine, will react violently with

the chlorine gas. At very little exposure it will start to corrode and completely


Additional note: The gelatine will have this reaction with many chemical

agents, not just chlorine gas. Exposure to chemical agents should be avoided.

Power/energy supply The power supply is not affected by the chlorine gas.

Divergence from

ISO standard

Spin-off effect of scenario cause secondary incident: When the doors are left

open to facilitate the evacuation of personnel, not only is the chlorine gas

allowed to enter the piqlVault; hotter and more humid air than what is allowed

inside the Vault according to regulations is let in as well. However, this will

not cause much damage; it is the heightened negative effect of the chlorine gas

due to higher temperatures and levels of humidity that is the culprit.

Security mechanisms


The gelatine emulsion of the PiqlFilms exposed to the chlorine gas will

completely dissolve. This entails damage beyond repair, and the data will be

lost. It will longer be possible to verify the integrity of the information.


See over. The information will no longer be available to the owner.


See over. Although information will no longer be accessible to the data owner,

neither will they be accessible to anybody else. Confidentiality thus remains

intact, as no one else can or will read the material.

All the piqlFilms in the vault were, however, left without proper security

regarding access control when the doors were left open and could

hypothetically have been accessed by others at this time. Other circumstances

(protected by the gas) made sure no unwelcome persons dared come near the


Immunity (against

attacks on the above


The Piql Preservation Services is not immune to attacks on availability or




protective measures

As the risk in this scenario does not represent a direct targeting of the Piql

Preservation Services, and was rather a general hazard to all in the affected

area, the only advice one can give is ―Beware of your surroundings‖. When the

piqlVault is situated near an industrial area with chemical plants, exposure to

chemical agents is a risk. Either the Piql partner must take the necessary

precautions, for instance installing air tight doors which shut automatically, or

make the executive decision to place the piqlVault elsewhere, not in a high risk


Also, particularly when it comes to heavy gases such as chlorine gas, a specific