Introduction & contact information | Piql Plug-in Partners
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Introduction & contact information Piql Plug-in Partners
Copyright Piql AS © 2019 | Version 01-2019
Table of content
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Archival planning and cataloguing........................................................................................................................................ 5 Storage of originals ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Digitisation - Documents ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Digitisation - Books ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Digitisation - Journals ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 Digitisation - Newspapers................................................................................................................................................... 10 Digitisation - Large formats & maps ................................................................................................................................. 11 Digitisation - Photos............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Photo restauration................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Digitisation - Microfilm ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Digitisation - Industrial x-ray.............................................................................................................................................. 15 Digitisation - Film .................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Digitisation - Film .................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Digitisation - Film .................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Film restoration - digital ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 Film restoration - digital ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 Film restoration - analogue................................................................................................................................................. 21 Digitisation - Audio & video ............................................................................................................................................... 22 Tape extraction, conversion & digitisation ..................................................................................................................... 23 Digitisation - 3D objects...................................................................................................................................................... 24 Optical Character Recognition (OCR)............................................................................................................................ 25 Manuscript interpretation ................................................................................................................................................... 26 Traditional film-out............................................................................................................................................................... 27 Traditional film-out............................................................................................................................................................... 28
Piql’s ambition is to reshape long-term data storage and digital preservation with a holistic approach to solving our client's problems and providing benefits with our services. We make our clients valuable data secure and accessible regardless of future technological developments. Our solution is designed for maintaining the integrity of the data while ensuring that it can be reproduced at some point in the future.
Clients appreciate that we have a great technology for secure long-term storage and digital preservation of their data, but in many cases, are not fully "there" yet.
Based on learning from engaging with clients across various segments in many countries over the years, we have learnt and understood that clients have needs, problems and pains to overcome before they can consider our core services. We call these challenges ‘upstream’. For example, there are important needs to meet before the question/issue of long-term storage or digital preservation comes up.
Piql Plug-in Services (as they "plug-in" to our core services) is a tool to engage with clients earlier in their preservation journey.
The Plug-in Services are a significant step forward in our holistic approach, reflecting our focus on building strong partnership strategies to enable a robust business eco-system to support needs within our key verticals and segments. Integrating multiple services from several Plug-in Partners together to holistically address our client's needs, problems or pains enables us to offer a complete end-to-end solution and position Piql Services much more attractively for clients. Our Plug-in Partners have unique insights and extensive experience within their domain of expertise, and by including their service in our Service Journey, Piql can leverage the strengths and references of these partners. Internally we refer to Plug-in Partners (as the providers of the Plug-in Services) – but externally we don't use this term, we only refer to Piql. The Plug-in Services should always be presented as Piql Services to not confuse clients. Piql Partners will take holistic responsibility for the complete delivery to clients, including one or more Plug-in Services.
The current Plug-in Services extends from helping to organise and catalogue both physical and digital archives, storage of originals (after being organised and digitised) as well as a wide range of digitization services. Our digitisation services are actually a digital transformation – more than a traditional digitisation service. We transform analogue based information, content and objects with the purpose of creating added value that enables both instant access through advanced search and retrieval and long-term preservation with the original data and related index and metadata integrated into a consistent "preservation package".
The following are the current Plug-in Services:
• Archival planning & cataloguing • Storage of originals • Paper based digitisation: o Documents o Books o Journals o Newspapers o Large formats and maps • Photo digitisation and restoration • Micro and X-ray film digitization
o Microfilm o Microfiche o Industrial X-rays • Multimedia digitisation
o Film digitisation and restoration o Audio and video digitisation and restoration o Tape extraction, conversion and digitisation
• 3D object digitisation • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) • Manuscript interpretation • Traditional film-out
Since there are massive amounts of irreplaceable and valuable information and objects that needs to be digitized, - this also corresponds in a similar opportunity for secure data storage and long-term digital preservation.
The collaboration with the Plug-in Partners will be truly win-win since we in Piql can bring them to new market opportunities in new countries at a very attractive cost for them. Piql will be their extended sales force.
Engaging "upstream" in the preservation journey will accelerate our learning process and therefore our competence and ability share our insights and to create benefits for our clients.
The Plug-in Services is a tool for creating new ways to address target verticals/segments and to open new business development opportunities.
We are confident that this plug-in initiative will act as an added-value tool in your efforts to build sustainable business in your market. Please contact HQ if you have any questions or require further support.
This booklet provides you as a Piql partner with an overview of the Plug-in Services our clients can utilize. You can find detailed descriptions of each Plug-in Service in individual documents.
Note that some Plug-in Services are provided by several Plug-in Partners. You are free to choose what Plug-in Partner to work with, but please do not hesitate to contact HQ for assistance. Contact details of all Plug-in Partners are included in this document. You shall always contact the Plug-in Partners directly to discuss specific cases, solutions and create compelling proposals. The contract for the services should be established between the Piql Partner and Plug-in Partner directly. The Piql Partner shall inform Piql AS about the contact and a potential contract.
In our daily dialogue about business development, we will be happy to discuss all opportunities for Plug-in Services.
Archival planning and cataloguing
Contact person:
Ms. Morten Evensen
+47 90150049
Riksarkivbygningen Sognsveien 221 Oslo Norway
A bout:
The ASTA Foundation's overall purpose is to promote standardization, quality assurance and the provision of information in public and private archives. This is done using the information system Asta 5, Arkivportalen, Asta Mapper and by providing consulting services on both paper archives and electronic records. Over the past 20 years, Asta have developed into Norway's leading supplier of archiving, extraction of electronic archives and other archival consulting services. They have a broad reference base within the public domain of Norway and works with bodies within the national government such as the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ASTA is co-located with the National Archives in Oslo. ASTA has an international mandate and can provide best in class services on a global scale.
Storage of originals
Company: P.U.H. Beskid Plus Sj R. Tyrna, J. Cybuch, B. Tyrna Contact person: Bartosz Babiarz E-mail: Tel: +48 508 758 366 Address: Towarowa 3 43-400 Cieszyn Poland Website:
About: Beskid Plus is a family-owned company. Over 20 years back, the company was the first in Poland to offer acid-free storage products for various kinds of collections. Beskid Plus has been working closely with the environment of Polish archivists and carefully following both European and global trends in archiving. The company has been able to extend the range of products over the years.
Beskid Plus knows very well that proper storage of collections is not an abstract matter, interesting only to a few archivists who work in inaccessible institutions. It is a matter of importance to all of us, as those who benefit from culture, as readers and as citizens. It is a matter of preserving cultural heritage for future generations. It is our cultural “to be or not to be.” Beskid Plus is aware of this responsibility, and therefore the best quality possible is what they care about at every step of the way: from the choice of paper, paperboard and cardboard, which is imported from numerous places in Europe and worldwide, through dedication to every little detail at the stage of box and folder production, to proper packaging of finished products for transport and delivery. The storage products comply with the strict requirements of ISO 9706 and ISO 16245 international standards. Beskid Plus is the leading supplier to the Polish National Archives, and in the recent years the company has been gaining more and more clients abroad, most of all in Austria, Germany and Scandinavian countries. The storage products are used to store and protect the most valuable collections of Polish and European archiving institutions, libraries and museums.
Digitisation - Documents
Contact person:
Mr. Varadarajan
+ 91 9880597937
72, Greams Road Thousand Lights Chennai – 600 006 India
Founded in 1999, Ninestars is an IP-driven Digital transformation industry leader. Ninestars helps Media, Publishing, Communication & PR, Government, BFSI and other allied industries to redefine consumer experiences, strengthen their digital core, embrace digital transformation, and realize the full potential of their content. Leveraging our two decades of expertise & technology, Ninestar’s been able to take leadership positions in Digitization, Media Intelligence, and Digital space. With a top-notch R&D division, Ninestar have brought about path- breaking solutions resulting in a range of patents being filed.
Digitisation - Books
Contact person:
Mr. Varadarajan M S
+ 91 9880597937
72, Greams Road Thousand Lights Chennai – 600 006 India
Founded in 1999, Ninestars is an IP-driven Digital transformation industry leader. Ninestars helps Media, Publishing, Communication & PR, Government, BFSI and other allied industries to redefine consumer experiences, strengthen their digital core, embrace digital transformation, and realize the full potential of their content. Leveraging our two decades of expertise & technology, Ninestar’s been able to take leadership positions in Digitization, Media Intelligence, and Digital space. With a top-notch R&D division, Ninestar have brought about path- breaking solutions resulting in a range of patents being filed.
Digitisation - Journals
Contact person:
Mr. Varadarajan M S
+ 91 9880597937
72, Greams Road Thousand Lights Chennai – 600 006 India
Founded in 1999, Ninestars is an IP-driven Digital transformation industry leader. Ninestars helps Media, Publishing, Communication & PR, Government, BFSI and other allied industries to redefine consumer experiences, strengthen their digital core, embrace digital transformation, and realize the full potential of their content. Leveraging our two decades of expertise & technology, Ninestar’s been able to take leadership positions in Digitization, Media Intelligence, and Digital space. With a top-notch R&D division, Ninestar have brought about path- breaking solutions resulting in a range of patents being filed.
Digitisation - Newspapers
Contact person:
Mr. Varadarajan M S
+ 91 9880597937
72, Greams Road Thousand Lights Chennai – 600 006 India
Founded in 1999, Ninestars is an IP-driven Digital transformation industry leader. Ninestars helps Media, Publishing, Communication & PR, Government, BFSI and other allied industries to redefine consumer experiences, strengthen their digital core, embrace digital transformation, and realize the full potential of their content. Leveraging from two decades of expertise & technology, Ninestar’s been able to take leadership positions in Digitization, Media Intelligence, and Digital space. With a top-notch R&D division, Ninestar have brought about path- breaking solutions resulting in a range of patents being filed. Ninestars has a global reach and reference base.
Digitisation - Large formats & maps
Analogia Finland
Contact person:
Mr. Markus Vihra
+358 44 9762510
Analogia Finland Oy Ruukinmestarintie 12 02330 Espoo Finland
About: Analogia is a long-trusted partner for digitization of large documents and maps, providing high quality digitization services and ensuring that everything is converted from analogue to digital.
Digitisation - Photos
Fratelli Alinari
Contact person:
Mr. Andrea de Polo
+39 347 4883223
Address: Largo Alinari 15 50123 Firenze Italy
The Fratelli Alinari, established in Florence in 1852, is the oldest company in the world in the field of photography and communication through images. They possess over 5,000,000 photographs that document the history of Italy and the world from the mid-1800s to today: art, culture, industry, society, landscape. The Fratelli Alinari’s prestigious image archive, is a brand recognized around the world, and the experience acquired allow them to manage communication projects and offer made-to-measure services: exhibitions, publications, educational and multimedia projects, products on demand, licensing, photo campaigns, image research, photo archive management. The Fratelli Alinari is able to join the most sophisticated artisan techniques from the nineteenth century, like direct printing from original glass plates and collotype, with the latest reproduction technologies, like fine art printing in limited copies, plus traditional exhibitions and visual and multimedia communication projects, which can be customized upon request. The company also has its own publishing house, which was consolidated by Vittorio Alinari, and subsequently, thanks to its impressive Photo Archive, enriched its series by constantly adding numerous new publications.
Photo restauration
Fratelli Alinari
Contact person:
Mr. Andrea de Polo
+39 347 4883223
Address: Largo Alinari 15 50123 Firenze Italy
The Fratelli Alinari, established in Florence in 1852, is the oldest company in the world in the field of photography and communication through images. They possess over 5,000,000 photographs that document the history of Italy and the world from the mid-1800s to today: art, culture, industry, society, landscape. The Fratelli Alinari’s prestigious image archive, is a brand recognized around the world, and the experience acquired allow them to manage communication projects and offer made-to-measure services: exhibitions, publications, educational and multimedia projects, products on demand, licensing, photo campaigns, image research, photo archive management. The Fratelli Alinari is able to join the most sophisticated artisan techniques from the nineteenth century, like direct printing from original glass plates and collotype, with the latest reproduction technologies, like fine art printing in limited copies, plus traditional exhibitions and visual and multimedia communication projects, which can be customized upon request. The company also has its own publishing house, which was consolidated by Vittorio Alinari, and subsequently, thanks to its impressive Photo Archive, enriched its series by constantly adding numerous new publications.
Digitisation - Microfilm
Analogia Finland
Contact person:
Mr. Markus Vihra
E-mail: m
+358 44 9762510
Address: Analogia Finland Oy Ruukinmestarintie 12 02330 Espoo Finland
Analogia is a long-trusted partner for digitization of large documents and maps, providing high quality digitization services and ensuring that everything is converted from analogue to digital.
Digitisation - Industrial x-ray
Contact person:
Ms. Pavol Kučík
+421 2 45525709 (710)
Address: Podunajská 36 821 07 Bratislava Slovak Republic
About: Slovcert a company with more than 22 years of experience in the Non- Destructive Testing (NDT) technology sales and services. Slovcert provide digitisation of industrial X-Ray services, advising and delivering NDT solutions to suit specific customer requirements.
Film digitization allows using all means of computer processing also with classical film exposures. All-in-one imaging solutions are developed exclusively for radiographic inspection industry. It easily transfers the industrial X-Ray film into digital image for storage and management and makes it convenient to view and share for the professionals. SlovCert team (with their own Film Digitizing Systems) enables to manage the industrial X-Ray films efficiently. Newly developed AcuScreen Enterprise Platform help SlovCert to collect all NDT-images and -reports together with all material certificates.
Digitisation - Film
Vintage Cloud
Contact person:
Mr. Peter Englesson
+45 22301140
Address: Vintage Cloud A/S Vandtårnsvej 62B 2860 Søborg Denmark
A bout:
Vintage Cloud is a world leader with technologies and services that ensures the fast and safe digitization of valuable film archives. Their goal is to help customers quickly and easily monetize their assets by making them more accessible with tools that are cost-effective, innovative, intuitive and designed for the delicate task. Vintage Cloud’s founders have, collectively, over 80 years of experience in the movie industry – experience which has seen the development of the Vintage Cloud Steenbeck, the first true all-in-one film archive digitization system that is characterized by its unprecedented ease of use, flexibility, speed and affordability. Vintage Cloud was founded in 2012, and is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. The company acquired manufacturer Steenbeck in 2016.
Digitisation - Film
Labo Digital
Contact person:
Mr. Adrien ledoux
+52 (55) 5549 00 99
Address: Centenario 208, Col. Del Carmen Coyoacan CDMX 04100 Mexico
A bout:
Labo is a company devoted to providing solutions for the Film, TV and Video on Demand industries. Labo customers consider them to be a "From Record to Play" solution, because they solve any need customers may have, from the beginning of their project to its final delivery. Labo works with production companies, distributors and exhibitors, as well as with both public and private institutions. Labo believe it is essential that their processes are tailored and carried out according to customer needs. Labo have offices in the United States, Mexico, and in Central and South America, which allows them to assist Piql customer’s in the Americas wherever they are. At Labo, their always up to date with the latest technology and the most qualified personnel. For Labo, the client projects they have worked on are their best presentation card.
Digitisation - Film
DI Factory
Contact person:
Mr. Michał Plotzke
+48 887 807 800
Address: Dominikańska 9 02-738 Warszawa Poland
About: DI FACTORY is a company with many years of experience in digital image processing for feature films, digital restoration and digitisation services. This process covers both work on archival film stock and damaged files recorded by digital cameras. Services also includes audio restoration.
Di Factory already restored more than 50 titles, including the feature films of great Polish directors including i.e. Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Agnieszka Holland, Krzysztof Zanussi, Andrzej Żuławski and Wojciech Jerzy, as well as numerous animated films and documentaries. As if to confirm the highest quality of Di Factory’s work, the films restorated by their team have screened at events where cinema and high image quality go hand in hand: Cannes (Cannes Classics section), Il Cinema Ritrovato in Bologna and the Lumière – Grand Lyon Film Festival. In 2017 the Di Factory’s restoration team won the Polish Film Institute award in the category Digital Restoration of a Film for work on “The Shadow Line”, directed by Andrzej Wajda.
Film restoration - digital
Labo Digital
Contact person:
Mr. Adrien Ledoux
+52 (55) 5549 00 99
Address: Centenario 208, Col. Del Carmen Coyoacan CDMX 04100 Mexico
A bout:
Labo is a company devoted to providing solutions for the Film, TV and Video on Demand industries. Labo customers consider them to be a "From Record to Play" solution, because they solve any need customers may have, from the beginning of their project to its final delivery. Labo works with production companies, distributors and exhibitors, as well as with both public and private institutions.
Labo believe it is essential that their processes are tailored and carried out according to customer needs. Labo have offices in the United States, Mexico, and in Central and South America, which allows them to assist Piql customers across the Americas and beyond. Labo is always up to date with the latest technology and the most qualified personnel. For Labo, the client projects they have worked on are their best presentation card.
Film restoration - digital
DI Factory
Contact person:
Mr. Michał Plotzke
+48 887 807 800
Address: Dominikańska 9 02-738 Warszawa Poland
DI FACTORY is a company with many years of experience in digital image processing for feature films, digitisation services and digital restoration. This process covers both work on archival film stock and damaged files recorded by digital cameras. Services also includes audio restoration. Di Factory already restored more than 50 titles, including the feature films of great Polish directors including i.e. Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Agnieszka Holland, Krzysztof Zanussi, Andrzej Żuławski and Wojciech Jerzy, as well as numerous animated films and documentaries. As if to confirm the highest quality of Di Factory’s work, the films restorated by their team have screened at events where cinema and high image quality go hand in hand: Cannes (Cannes Classics section), Il Cinema Ritrovato in Bologna and the Lumière – Grand Lyon Film Festival. In 2017 the Di Factory’s restoration team won the Polish Film Institute award in the category Digital Restoration of a Film for work on “The Shadow Line”, directed by Andrzej Wajda.
Film restoration - analogue
Contact person:
Ms. Katarína Morvai
+420 224 814 445
Address: Bonton a.s.
Vodičkova 1935/38 110 00 Nové Město Czech Republic
A bout:
Bonton a.s. is a production company, film rights administrator and seller. The company owns and runs film laboratories in Zlin, providing hiqh quality film restoration- and traditional film-out services. Bonton can also provide film digitisation services through a 3 rd party provider at their Laboratory site in Zlink. Bonton also sell worldwide rights to extensive library old classic Czech features and animated titles produced between 1965 – 1991. They also sell their own animated production. Bonton a.s. is film production company, animation and feature film. Many of animation titles are based on the most popular cartoon and puppet characters in the Czech Republic, such as Pat and Mat, Bob and Bobby and Spejbl a Hurvínek.
Digitisation - Audio & video
Contact person:
Mr. Varadarajan M S
+ 91 9880597937
72, Greams Road Thousand Lights Chennai – 600 006 India
Founded in 1999, Ninestars is an IP-driven Digital transformation industry leader. Ninestars helps Media, Publishing, Communication & PR, Government, BFSI and other allied industries to redefine consumer experiences, strengthen their digital core, embrace digital transformation, and realize the full potential of their content. Leveraging our two decades of expertise & technology, Ninestar’s been able to take leadership positions in Digitization, Media Intelligence, and Digital space. With a top-notch R&D division, Ninestar have brought about path- breaking solutions resulting in a range of patents being filed.
Tape extraction, conversion & digitisation
iO Data
Contact person:
Mr. Andreas Hedal-Lund
+47 88 00 66 66
Address: Strandgaten 7 N-4307 Sandnes Norway
iO Data help companies build their digital businesses. Only 33% of companies rate their level of digitalization as advanced today, but 70% expect they will get there by 2020. This transformation process will be critical for future success. iO Data’s core business is hosting, conversion, QC and accessibility of Big Data. Bundled with Security Audits, Embedded Development, Destruction, Consultancy and Innovation. iO Data provide extraction, conversion and digitisation of data from all modern and historic optical and magnetic data media (e.g. AIT, DLT, 3590, reel tapes, disks, etc).
Digitisation - 3D objects
Company: Factum Arte
Contact person:
Mr. José Manuel Pellón
Tel: +34 91 550 0978
Address: Calle Albarracìn 28 28037 Madrid Spain
About: Factum Arte is a company based in Madrid, Milan, and London that seeks to construct a bridge between new technologies and craft skills in the
conservation of cultural heritage and in contemporary art. By using various forms of high-definition 3D scanners, Factum Arte has been able to record, in digital form using non-contact equipment, a number of endangered sites/objects of cultural importance. This is done in conjunction with the Factum Foundation for Digital Technology in Conservation, which seeks to promote the use of non-contact 3D scanners to record museum collections and historic monuments, especially in areas where they are at risk. Over the past few years Factum Arte has worked with The Musée du Louvre, The British Museum, The Pergamon Museum, Museo del Prado, Biblioteca Nacional Madrid, the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt and many other museums, institutions and private individuals.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Contact person:
Ms. Frederika Haneborg-Luhr
+47 9781 5883
Address: Fredensborgveien 24M N-0177 Oslo Norway
Lumex provides ultra-high-performance industrial OCR and is an R&D driven company focused on developing and commercializing innovative Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technologies. Lumex seeks to provide OCR solutions for the rising demand for accurate and searchable digital text. If you are challenged by images of low quality and/or standard OCR provides you with unsatisfactory results, Lumex can provide you with improved solutions. Lumex serves customers in different professional markets by providing an accuracy extension software solution that delivers significant improvements: • Reduced cost of digitization • High accuracy interpretation • Fully searchable digital images Lumex creates value for customers by making the OCR processes more precise and versatile.
Manuscript interpretation
Piql Iberia
Contact person:
Ms. Roberto Gonzalez
+34 660 109 686
Address: C/Joan Güell 184-24 08028 Barcelona Spain
Piql Iberia is a company with headquarters in Barcelona that emerged in 2016 for the digitalization and preservation of content in Spain. It is a strategic partner of PIQL AS and is in charge of providing its services in the national market. Due of the interest of Piql Iberia of providing the most complete solutions to their customers, they have researched, in consortium with Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, a solution for automatic interpretation of manuscript documents that are accessible in digital format. To do so and applying the state-of-the-art techniques of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, a service has been developed allowing the user to search and recover information directly from the manuscripts as it is done with digital- born documents in the search engines in use. The Piql Iberia team has expertise on different aspects of Artificial Intelligence. Among them, Pattern Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Machine Learning are the key technologies for the TranscriptIA solution. Two years after implantation of Piql services in Spain, Piql Iberia's founders decided to move forward with R&D to provide an innovative solution to its customers and to the global Piql partner network.
Traditional film-out
Labo Digital
Contact person:
Mr. Adrien Ledoux
+52 (55) 5549 00 99
Address: Centenario 208, Col. Del Carmen Coyoacan CDMX 04100 Mexico
Labo is a company devoted to providing solutions for the Film, TV and Video on Demand industries. Labo customers consider them to be a "From Record to Play" solution, because they solve any need customers may have, from the beginning of their project to its final delivery. Labo works with production companies, distributors and exhibitors, as well as with both public and private institutions. Labo believe it is essential that their processes are tailored and carried out according to customer needs. Labo have offices in the United States, Mexico, and in Central and South America, which allows them to assist Piql customers across the Americas and beyond. Labo is always up to date with the latest technology and the most qualified personnel. For Labo, the client projects they have worked on are their best presentation card.
Traditional film-out
Bonton a.s.
Contact person:
Ms. Katarína Morvai
+420 224 814 445
Address: Bonton a.s.
Vodičkova 1935/38 110 00 Nové Město Czech Republic
A bout:
Bonton a.s. is a film production company, including both animation and feature films. Many animation titles are based on the most popular cartoon and puppet characters in the Czech Republic such as Pat and Mat, Bob and Bobby and Spejbl a Hurvínek. Bonton a.s. is the leading provider of film restauration and traditional film-out services in the Czech Republic.
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